
Canon 500D + Canon 580EX II 試用

Date: 2010-01-16



明顯去錯地方,我們應該去Disneyland酒店最少可以躲回酒店涼爽當日太陽非常兇狠還要種煙霞…!!! 好難頂!! 而且人太多。

天呀好兇狠的太陽!!這種環境下,反正是低ISO拍攝,Canon 350D500D影出來差不多。


坐巴士回到葵方新都會廣場,隨便逛,發現了新年佈置,順便試閃光燈。我們用Tumax閃光燈差不多兩年,相當清楚其效果。在室內一試之下,原廠和副廠高低立見分明,原廠不愧是原廠,Canon 580EX II 明顯在燈光控制上優勝得多,光比較平均分散柔和,拍出來照片色水自然,人物面部較不易反光,不過畢竟是Tumax3倍價錢嘛




9 則留言:

  1. 馬灣公園上左山頂仲有野影wor...., 另7色牆都幾靚啦
    [版主回覆02/12/2010 13:07:00]上山頂果part我行左兩分鐘已經頂唔順...好熱...

  2. 哇~你都有研究開相機ga,得閒要請教下你先...^^
    [版主回覆02/12/2010 13:03:00]我地用DSLR第5年了~

  3. Outdoor.............Canon always getting a good performance even how "low grade" of DSLR / DC is that...........! XD
    [版主回覆02/12/2010 13:02:00]除非真係上到5D~~日頭影的相先會有明顯分別~

  4. Very true, indoor and night photos are always a pain, and also the real way to test a camera! (DC or DSLR as well). BTW..........someone post at LO and mentioned that photos by "Sony" DC is good...........! I just too lazy to type that in Chinese to "comment" on that! XD Cannot imagine how come would say "Sony" d DC quality is good on taking photos.............especially noise control.........orz!!
    [版主回覆02/12/2010 13:25:00]我見到LO 個相機TOPIC真係好無言~
    Sony不論DSLR還是細機都一樣唔得!!! 我地未買500D前~其實都有去SONY show room試唔同的機~~真係好唔得囉!!! 如你所說Noise的控制真係好差~輸canon九萬幾條街~~SONY DC就真係講都廢事講~~

  5. Totally agree. I really don't know how can give such a good comment on Sony DC.........! Is that didn't use the before...........or just like Sony too much.........!!
    [版主回覆02/15/2010 01:39:00]just like Sony too much-->可能是這原因XDD 我同老公都係SONY愛好者~Play station/PSP買齊~電視是SONY 但相機一定SAY NO!!! (果個人影D相...濛GE...XDDD)

  6. Similar idea!!! If talking mobile phone, I'm still happy to use Sony's one as ok performance with photos. However if just purely talking about camera............I really don't think Sony a good option!! I'm not a Sony fans, so that I don't have PS3 or Sony LCD TV yet! XD (May not choice Sony TV as bit higher price than the other brand! XD) 果個人影D相...濛GE...XDDD <-----------XD XD XD XD XD
    [版主回覆02/17/2010 16:02:00]Sony唔少電器都係好野~我屋企睇緊sony bravia~無可否認真係好掂!! 如果有人買TV我會推介 不過相機真係NO WAY! 不論係DC仔or DSLR 果個人講到懶PRO~講部機幾好幾好~不過唔好意思~我睇唔到囉XD

  7. 我第時都想買580 2WO... 不過睇第時BUDGET LA.. 不過用多0的.. 睇下效果...!
    [版主回覆02/17/2010 15:56:00]如果間中都影下相~間中又去下旅行~580 II走唔甩 而且副廠壽命會短D的!

  8. Sony唔少電器都係好野~我屋企睇緊sony bravia~無可否認真係好掂!! 如果有人買TV我會推介 <-- Bravia is good, but the price would be about 20% more than the same spec of TV. No saving Bravia is not good enough, just depends the budget!! (That's y until right now I didn't buy LCD yet...........as want to jump to 50" directly! XD But Bravia 50"............orz!!) 不過相機真係NO WAY! 不論係DC仔or DSLR <--- mobile ok ga! XD I'm very happy with my K850 when it newly release..........XD (nearly top one of taking photos at "that" time! XD) 果個人講到懶PRO~講部機幾好幾好~不過唔好意思~我睇唔到囉XD <--- can I kept laughing?! More than strongly agree on that............XD XD BTW, off 1 off topic, we should firm the Ocean Park very soon..........XD For ours wedding!
    [版主回覆02/20/2010 22:50:00]如果MOBLIE 我都覺得SONY影相掂架! 我老公都係用SONY電話的! 我屋企果部是42吋電視~~都係因為上網間公司有promotion先買得起~原價$16xxx~我地用左$10780~~宜家真係多左睇電視!!!

  9. wa............nearly 40% off, that's y you would pick that!! Right now is really a lot of options on LCD TV, Plasma power consumption lowed down as well. And new generation of LED TV is coming. So.................can "wait" again! XD
    [版主回覆02/24/2010 13:03:00]等你同QQ搞完結婚先睇呢D濕碎野啦XDD
